Country: Nigeria
Closing date: 24 Dec 2019
Organizational Background
Heartland Alliance International (HAI) is the youngest and fastest growing part of Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights, a family of organizations that has been leading anti-poverty and social justice work in Chicago for more than 125 years. HAI is comprised of nearly a dozen country offices implementing programs on a broad range of human rights issues globally, as well as the Chicago-based Marjorie Kovler Center for the Treatment of Survivors of Torture, which serves individuals from more than 50 countries. HAI has significant expertise in the fields of trauma-informed mental health care and access to justice for survivors of rights abuses. It is also an industry leader in access to high-quality and stigma-free health care. Across all of its programs, HAI promotes progressive, innovative approaches to human rights protections and gender equality.
Project Background
With generous support from Office to Monitor and Combat Human Trafficking (J/TIP), HAI launched the Strengthening Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in Northeast Nigeria project, which started in January 2018 and will end in December 2019. This is a two-year grant to improve the capacity of governments, civil society, and communities to protect and provide comprehensive services for survivors of trafficking in Northeast Nigeria, particularly former child soldiers and women and girls trafficked by combatants for forced labor and/or sexual exploitation. Project’s activities take place in Northeast Nigeria (Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states) and aim to improve comprehensive services for victims of trafficking, including former child soldiers and women and girls trafficked for forced marriage and sexual exploitation and build the capacity of existing local partner institutions providing services to survivors of trafficking.
The project objectives include:
Objective 1: Specialized service providers have improved coordination and are able to identify victims of trafficking
Objective 2: Social service stakeholders in northeast Nigeria provide quality and comprehensive shelter, protection, and psychosocial services to victims of trafficking.
This project is implemented in partnership and close collaboration with the National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons – NAPTIP, and more specifically NAPTIP Maiduguri Zonal Command, responding to trafficking in persons in six states in Northeast Nigeria. HAI also has a partnership with Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development (MoWASD) in Borno State. In addition, HAI, IOM and UNHCR, established Anti-Trafficking Task Force in Borno State, chaired by NAPTIP and MoWASD. HAI, IOM and UNHCR provide technical and operational support. The purpose of the task force is to bring stakeholders together to work collaboratively, in a coherent manner to combat TIP in Northeast Nigeria through strengthening their capacity to prevent, mitigate, and respond to TIP by drawing upon the comparative advantages of all the stakeholders. HAI continue its efforts to establish and build the capacity of the Task Force in close collaboration with IOM and UNHCR in Borno State.
Project Focus and Approach:
Northeast Nigeria: The project focus is on combatting TiP in Humanitarian/Conflict Settings and TiP perpetrated by non-state armed groups, such as Boko Haram and ISWAP. The work approach is through:
Protection/Technical Assistance: Capacity building of government actors and social service providers through the lens of MHPSS.
Trauma-informed mental health services for victims of TiP, including children.
Trainings on efficient procedures for victims identification and screening using victims centric approach, including identifying child victims of trafficking for social workers working in IDP camps and transit (rehabilitation) centers.
Case management plan for victims of human trafficking for social workers, protection officers, case managers and NAPTIP officers.
Prevention/Awareness Raisingand Sensitization at all levels:
in IDP camps and host communities
with communal leaders (district heads) and religious leaders
participatory workshops on TiP in Northeast Nigeria and specifically about cultural and poverty driven practices, leading to exploitation of children, such as Al-Majiri schools, forced child begging and street hawking, forced child labor, forced marriage, including child marriage
working on awareness raising plan, for communal and religious leaders to step down in their communities and hard to access local governmental areas.
work with the Protection Cluster Working Groups (PSWG) and sub-sectors to mainstream TiP among the cluster system in Northeast Nigeria
Partnerships/Improving Coordination and Referrals: Working with IOM, UNHCR, NAPTIP, MoWASD and other international, national and civil society partners to support coordination of services and referral mechanisms.
This project is the successor of Protect, Shelter, and Heal project, carried out by HAI from 2016 to 2017 in Nigeria and Swaziland. Through that project, HAI provided technical assistance to government agents and civil society organizations to address gaps in identification and protection for victims of trafficking and in the understanding and application of the trafficking in persons’ local and international legal frameworks.
C.Evaluation Rationale
HAI seeks a Contractor to conduct a final evaluation of Strengthening Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in Northeast Nigeria over the life of the project. The evaluation will measure the project’s effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, potential for impact, and potential for sustainability. HAI and the Contractor will collaboratively design the evaluation methodology to investigate research questions that include but are not limited to:
Did the project effectively address the needs and priorities of participants as identified by participants, partner(s), and/or donor(s) and HAI?
What are the key programmatic and operational strengths and weaknesses of the project design that have affected project overall performance? Were the objectives flexible enough to accommodate any emerging changes as the project progressed?
What internal and external factors contributed to successes/shortcomings of the project? Include analysis of how the proposed targets were achieved and of reasons why some were partially achieved or not achieved.
How efficient was the project coordination with other stakeholders, including partners, government representatives, etc.?
What are the key recommendations and lessons learned that can be taken from the project for future programming?
This Evaluation will be shared with both HAI and the donor and will be used by HAI internally to improve its performance, and to inform potential future programming. The external evaluation will complement HAI’s internal assessment of the project, and HAI will share the evaluation with staff, partners, and other stakeholders as necessary.
D.Evaluation Design & Methodology
The design and methodology applied to this evaluation should generate the highest quality and most credible evidence to answer the evaluation questions listed above, and should primarily focus on assessing project activities implemented under Strengthening Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in Northeast Nigeria.
HAI’s Nigeria office will guide and oversee the overall evaluation under the direction of the Project Director, with the support of the project staff, and Monitoring & Evaluation staff at HAI headquarters. HAI will work closely with the Consultant in reviewing and providing technical feedback during the evaluation.
Prior to the start of data collection, the Contractor will develop and present, for HAI review and approval, a written methodology that details the evaluation activities, evaluation tools, and data analysis plan for this evaluation. The written methodology should be guided by a participatory approach to evaluation, and will be comprised of a mix of quantitative and qualitative tools appropriate to the evaluation’s research questions. HAI expects the methodology to include, but not be limited to, the following activities:
Desk review of Project documents, including (but not limited to):
Project proposal
Project progress/activity reports (quarterly) from HAI
Logical Framework/Logic Model
Other materials developed for the Project, including training materials, guides and other published materials
The project Logic Model should be the basic guiding and driving tool of this evaluation. HAI encourages Consultant to use ranking methods to validate the progress against each of the outcomes.
Other documents to be reviewed as appropriate.
Data collection with partners, participants, staff and other stakeholders:
Structured in-depth interviews
Focus Group Discussions (FGDs)
Key Informant Interviews (KIIs)
Field observations; if required
Stakeholders to be engaged during the Evaluation, including (but not limited to):
Project staff, including Project Director, Project Coordinator, HAI partners’ staff, and all others directly associated with the Project activities, in Northeast Nigeria, Abuja and Chicago HQ as appropriate.
Partnering governmental stakeholders and partnering international and national organizations
Training participants, to the extent feasible and approved by the Project Director
HAI will provide the evaluation team access to all relevant project documents, including but not limited to:
- The original grant agreement and subsequent modifications to the grant agreement;
- Quarterly reports, work plans and management reviews developed as part of routine project monitoring; and
- All data, including data collection tools, previously collected from routine project monitoring.
E.Evaluation Deliverables
- Evaluation Methodology & Work Plan: A written, draft methodology for the evaluation will be submitted to HAI for review and approval no later than the 7th day following the signing of this agreement. The methodology plan should include the evaluation design, data collection plan, instruments, tools, and an operational work plan, including a timeline. The methodology plan will be discussed with HAI prior to any data collection activities. The Contractor may change the methodology but must submit any changes for approval to HAI prior to implementation.
The plan should also include the following in support of and corresponding to the evaluation questions outlined above (as well as others developed by the Consultant):
Data collection plan/methods
Data collection instruments and tools
Data sources
Sampling method and data analysis plan
Indicators checklist, using project Indicators
HAI approval on the evaluation plan is required before beginning the evaluation.
Fieldwork Report: A brief summary report (1-2 pages) of the evaluation fieldwork should be delivered at the end of the data collection stage.
Evaluation Data: All raw data used in the evaluation analysis should be submitted no later than two weeks after data collection activities are completed. The Contractor will provide data in an electronic file in an easy to read format; organized and fully documented for use by those not familiar with the project or evaluation.
Draft Evaluation Report: The Contractor will submit a draft report of the findings and recommendations from the evaluation no later than 6 December 2019. Prior approval by the HAI will be required should the Contractor want to revise this deadline. The format of the evaluation report should follow the guidelines listed in Attachment B. The report must be submitted in English, electronically.
Debriefing with HAI and partner staff: The Contractor will present major accomplishments and findings from the evaluation to HAI and partner staff through PowerPoint presentation after completion of field-based data collection. The debriefing will include a discussion of achievement and issues as well as any recommendation the team has for possible modifications to project approaches, results, or activities. The Contractor will consider HAI project staff comments and revise the evaluation report accordingly, as appropriate.
Final Report: HAI will provide the Contractor with written comments on the draft evaluation report no later than 13 December 2019. The Contractor will submit a final evaluation report that incorporates HAI’s responses to the draft evaluation report no later than 19 December 2019. The format of the evaluation report should follow the guidelines provided to the Contractor by HAI. The final version of the Final Evaluation Report will be submitted in English, electronically no later than 23 December 2019.
F.Evaluation Team Composition & Desired Qualifications
The Contractor will receive support from HAI’s project team, as well as HAI’s Monitoring & Evaluation team. The Contractor should possess the following qualifications:
The consultant should have a Masters/Advanced degree in a relevant field, (e.g., Human Rights, International Development, International Law, Monitoring and Evaluation etc.);
Minimum five years’ experience designing and conducting evaluations and writing reports (USG working experience preferred);
Excellent ability to assess, interpret, analyze and present qualitative and quantitative data;
Excellent communication skills, including fluency in written and spoken English;
Experience working with governmental agencies and/or civil society organizations in conflict and emergency settings;
Demonstrated experience working in the field of human rights programs, preferably human trafficking programs and initiatives a plus;
Demonstrated knowledge of the key challenges and actors associated in the field of human rights and most specifically human trafficking in West Africa and/or Nigeria a plus;
Must be able to travel to Nigeria and Northeast Nigeria (Maiduguri).
G.Evaluation Management
HAI will provide overall supervision to the Contractor during contract period. HAI will assist the Contractor with finalizing the evaluation methodology and work plan, and assist in identifying and providing key project documents for the Contractor to review during the contract period. HAI will provide overall logistical support and assistance to the Contractor, as needed and when possible. HAI will provide airport pick up and drop off and transportation within Borno State. HAI will provide interpretation assistance provided by the project coordinator as approved in the evaluation’s work plan. HAI’s project-based staff will be made available to the Contractor for consultations during the evaluation process.
The Contractor is responsible for arranging and completing all evaluation-related activities listed in the approved methodology and work plan, in coordination with HAI’s local project and logistics staff. The Contractor will advise HAI prior to each of those activities. The Contractor will be responsible for completing and submitting to the company the evaluation products listed in Section E of this document. The Contractor will be responsible for procuring his/her own work/office space, computers, Internet access, mobile phone and data credit, printing, and photocopying throughout the evaluation (except for when in Nigeria – these will be provided by HAI). The Contractor will be required to make his/her own payments for such services. The Contractor will be responsible for any expenses beyond the fee provided by the company as determined in this document.
The contactor will be responsible for paying for their visa, flight tickets, and transportation expenses to and from airport in their home country, accommodation and meals in Nigeria, phone and data credit, medical and security insurance and miscellaneous expenses. The contractor must have a valid business visa and yellow fever immunization (no older than 10 years) to be able to enter Nigeria.
Payment Schedule
1st installment: 30% upon signing this agreement.
2nd installment: 40% upon submission of first draft
3rd installment: 30% upon review and approval by the company of all items listed under the ‘Evaluation Products’ section of this SOW and receipt of invoice from the Contractor. The Contractor will provide the Company with a written invoice within 15 days prior to the end of the consulting period for services rendered.
I. Submission Process
To be considered for this contract, please submit the following deliverables via email to, CCing and Please use the subject line “Final Evaluation Proposal - Strengthening Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in Northeast Nigeria.”
A letter of interest, indicating how your skills and experience meet the qualifications listed above; résumé or CV as annexes(no more than four pages);
A writing sample (no more than three pages);
A technical proposal (no more than four pages); only candidates who submit technical proposal will be considered.
A draft budget, including consultation fees and all other evaluation-related expenses, including travel, with a maximum amount of $10,000 USD.
Incomplete submission packages and submission packages that do not adhere to the page limits stated above will not be considered. Present employees of HAI or HAI’s implementing partners need not apply.
How to apply:
I. Submission Process
To be considered for this contract, please submit the following deliverables via email to, CCing and Please use the subject line “Final Evaluation Proposal - Strengthening Services for Victims of Human Trafficking in Northeast Nigeria.”
A letter of interest, indicating how your skills and experience meet the qualifications listed above; résumé or CV as annexes(no more than four pages);
A writing sample (no more than three pages);
A technical proposal (no more than four pages); only candidates who submit technical proposal will be considered.
A draft budget, including consultation fees and all other evaluation-related expenses, including travel, with a maximum amount of $10,000 USD.
Incomplete submission packages and submission packages that do not adhere to the page limits stated above will not be considered. Present employees of HAI or HAI’s implementing partners need not apply.