Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Closing date: 25 May 2016
A.Organizational Background
Heartland Alliance International (HAI) is a service-based human rights organization committed to protecting and promoting the rights of extremely vulnerable populations through a comprehensive, inclusive approach to healing and justice. One hundred percent of HAI programs are designed to protect and promote the rights of extremely vulnerable populations that are frequently excluded or forgotten by more traditional development programming.
B.Project Background
HAI is now several months into the implementation of an ambitious five-year strategic plan. As a part of this plan, HAI country teams will be engaging with partners, donors, and other stakeholders in creative ways to forge new relationships and explore new program opportunities. To support this more strategic, targeted outreach, HAI is seeking a consultant to travel to DRC to help gather and organize program data, summarize findings, and develop a consolidated, country-level impact summary for HAI’s work in DRC.
C.Data Collection
The methodology applied to the data gathering process should generate the highest quality analysis and should primarily focus on assessing project activities implemented under the programs selected by in-country and Chicago-based staff. HAI expects this process to include, but will not be limited to the following activities:
- Review project evaluations/project reports and select related indicators to compile impact data (possibly combining databases of multiple projects for larger analysis)
- Conduct additional original analyses using available databases – highlight data trends, correlations, etc., that may not have been explored in original project evaluations. Identify gaps in HAI records and quantitative data and try to fill with qualitative data such as interviews and focus groups when needed
D.Final Deliverables
- Debrief with HAI in-country and Chicago-based staff about major findings and conclusions
- Well-written, concise impact summary statement (2 pages) highlighting the major impacts HAI has achieved in-country in the past five (5) years, for use with wide range of external stakeholders
- Code for all data cleaning and analysis; code files should include comments that clearly explain the cleaning/analysis process.
- Consolidated, clean data sets, and any accompanying files (e.g., data dictionary, etc.) presented in well-organized format
E.Desired Qualifications
The Contractor will receive support from HAI’s in-country team, as well as HAI’s Learning Team. The Contractor should possess the following qualifications:
- Fluency in English and French, with excellent English writing skills;
- Experience conducting field research outside the U.S.;
- Familiarity with DRC and/or wider Sub-Saharan Africa;
- Demonstrated experience analyzing quantitative data using statistical software such as SPSS, SAS, Stata, etc. The consultant will need to have his/her own access to such a program since HAI cannot provide that;
- Demonstrated experience with development of qualitative data collection tools, such as interview guides, focus group guides etc., and experience with qualitative data analysis; and
- Demonstrated ability to summarize findings and visually display data (HAI does not plan to hire a separate designer to format the impact summary statement.)
F.Process Management
HAI will provide overall supervision to the Contractor during contract period. HAI will assist the Contractor with finalizing the data gathering/analysis methodology and work plan, and with identifying and providing key project documents for the Contractor to review during the contract period. HAI will also provide guidance on the content/scope/design of the impact summary documents. HAI will provide overall logistical support to the Contractor as needed and when possible. HAI’s project-based staff will be made available to the Contractor for consultations during the data gathering and document writing process.
The Contractor is responsible for arranging and completing all activities listed in the approved methodology and work plan, in coordination with HAI’s local project and logistics staff. The Contractor will advise HAI prior to each of those activities. The Contractor will be required to make his/her/their own payments for such services. The Contractor will be responsible for any expenses beyond the final contract amount agreed upon with HAI.
How to apply:
To be considered for this contract, please submit the following to with the subject line “Research/Data Consultant - DRC”:
- A letter of interest, indicating how your skills and experience meet the qualifications listed above;
- A résumé or CV;
- A writing sample (no more than three pages);
- A draft budget including consultation fees, travel to, from and within DRC, lodging and meal expenses, and all other expenses required for the completion of the above-listed deliverables.
Incomplete submission packages and submission packages that do not adhere to the page limits stated above will not be considered. Present employees of HAI or HAI’s implementing partners need not apply.